Thursday 10 October 2013

Day 106 - Almost there!

Spent some time lying in bed this morning weighing up morning Gentle yoga versus evening.  I decided on the morning; even though I'm less flexible, it's my favourite time for yoga and in the evening it means kicking David out of the living room which isn't really fair.

I quite enjoyed it, although I felt really tight.  I just took it very easy and gradually my body loosened up.

I then went for a swim - still get riled about some people (always men!) not having any manners when it comes to swimming in lanes.  Just simple manners, nothing complicated.  But they have none.  Ah well.  Still got my mile in and the water was surprisingly warm on this chilly day.  Brrrr.

Did quite a lot of work after swimming, in the form of emailing and networking.  We have quite a few things on the horizon, all quite exciting :).

Went out to pick up my contact lenses and sat in a coffee shop to work on my article.  Didn't get it all finished but have the structure sorted and am about one third of the way through.  Hope to finish it tomorrow, in amongst training people.

I plan to do Yin in the evening tomorrow because David will be out training his martial arts crew.  Then Saturday is my final day.  Yikes!

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