Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 11 - 20 min run, one hour stretch!

Feeling very chilled indeed after just finishing 'Yin'.  I must admit, I still found it very challenging and it reminds me how tight I really am, but I know I'll slowly release with patience and perseverance.  Some of the poses I find are a little awkward for me so those are harder to relax into, but on the whole I think I enjoyed this more than the first time I did it.  By the end, I certainly felt much more relaxed and yes, there were some tears of release - getting fairly normal for me now!

I went for a short run with David earlier in the day, barefoot of course.  I focused on my breathing and staying relaxed.  I also tried to feel gratitude for being able to run - something I don't remember to do often enough.  I felt a couple of mild niggles which coincided with me working harder (going uphill or inadvertently increasing my speed) - very interesting observation but not entirely surprising.  So many people could avoid aches, pains and injury if they stopped trying to consistently push their bodies to the limit.  Sometimes it takes a long time for people to realize this though - it is hard to convince clients to calm down, especially runners!  They're motivated by mileage and speed, not by inner calm.  The problem is, you have to take several steps backwards and learn to 'let go' before you fully understand that by doing this, you will ultimately run faster and freer, and feel fitter and healthier.

I caught myself wishing that I'd found UY years ago but quickly realized that this was probably the right time for me.  Before now, maybe I wouldn't have been ready and would have allowed this gift to just sit and gather dust somewhere, not fully understanding where it could take me.

There's talk of the next Bali retreat with Travis on the facebook group.  Apparently it's in 2015 - now that would be something to look forward to!

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