Monday 1 July 2013

Day Five 'Detox' - Pheweee!

Nothing like the 'Detox' DVD to get you going at 7 o'clock in the morning! 

I really struggled to get out of bed for some reason, but knew that if I didn't get up, I wouldn't have time to do the DVD later in the day.  By the time I got to my mat (after drinking some water, putting my contact lenses in, using the loo and feeding the cats - my 'pre warm up series'!) I was ready.

This DVD did not disappoint.  After yesterday's unexpected 'just stretching' Yin DVD, this was back to full-on power yoga!  It was very challenging at some points, especially the reverse half moon pose (not sure if that's what it's called) - this is one that seems entirely impossible to me.  My body does NOT  want to bend that way!  However, I paid attention and didn't push it and know from my progression with yoga over the years that it will come with time and patience.

Going back to the Yin DVD, it seems that my fellow UY's generally found it difficult at first but ended up loving it, so I will persevere. 

Today has been manic and my patience has been tested but I've tried to meet these problems with a calm, yogi mind.  Yes, that will take quite a bit of practice!  I'm increasingly focusing on my breathing throughout the day and it certainly shifts my outlook on situations.  I had a great swim this afternoon - again, the more I practise breath control, the better I run and swim. 

It's 8.20pm and I still have work to do but planning to be up early to do the 'Vitality' DVD at 5am as the rest of the day is busy with clients.  I'm actually looking forward to it too and the group on facebook is so inspiring - people who've nearly finished the 108 are still so enthusiastic and enjoying it which is such an encouragement.  Thanks guys :).

P.S.  Did 'Hardcore' this evening - much better done separately I think, I had more energy to do more reps...

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