Saturday 27 July 2013

Day 31 - Sort of strong in 'Strength' today

Client this morning and came back home starving.  I generally don't have breakfast before early clients.  Decided to run and do yoga before eating though, so David and I quickly got changed and went for a little jaunt in the sunshine.

Doing a run before yoga is both good and bad.  The good is that it warms me up so I'm much more flexible; the bad is that my hands are sweaty and keep slipping!

At the beginning of this class, Travis talks about how to tackle it and uses the story of a man who could perform miracles by almost watching himself from the outside, rather than experiencing everything he felt.  I was completely baffled when I first heard the story because I couldn't understand Travis' accent - he kept talking about "hallowble".  What the hell is hallowble?  I thought.  Is it even a word?  Oh, it's the man's name in the story...still doesn't make sense though.  Then I finally realized what he was saying: "Hollow Bowl".  Ohhhh, now I get it! 

'Strength' was tough as usual.  I decided to do most of the yogi push ups on my knees and really focus on elbows in, shoulders down.  This felt very challenging but I could also do it - it's a better option for me at the moment as I think I compromise my technique doing a full push up.  It does make me giggle when I'm  holding one of the elbow planks and beginning to shake and Travis says something like, "...breathe, focus and realize it's not a big deal...".  It is a big deal!  It's tough!

I do prefer doing my sessions early in the morning.  It's so quiet then, I can really get in the zone.  It was around midday when I did the session today and we have the door and windows open because it's lovely and warm.  Next door were obviously having a lunch party and were quite loud.  Then my cat Bo came in and started to miaow at me.  So, it feels more like a physical workout at this time of day rather than a genuine connection of mind, body and spirit.  I guess I'll learn to tune out all the noise though and I enjoyed it anyway - I love moving my body in this way, it's so different from traditional endurance training.

Tomorrow is not relaxing 'Yin' but tie-yourself-in-twisted-knots 'Detox'.  I'll have to do it early (7am on a Sunday - outrageous!) because we'll be heading out soon after.  I've also realized that in the second phase I don't get to do 'Vitality' which I will really miss.  Never mind, I'm sure to enjoy the new ones.  I've been advised to watch the 'Balance' DVD before doing it so I'll try and do that later this week. 

I might do hardCORE later, we'll see.  Off to buy one more pressie to take up to my parent's tomorrow and might treat myself to an afternoon nap.  Hope everyone's having a fab day!

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