Sunday 21 July 2013

Day 24 - I will conquer 'Strength' one day!

Up and out for my client at 8am then back home to do a short run with David followed by 'Strength'.  Wow, it's tough!  It's definitely better to do after a run because I'm warmed up.  I feel that my core works extremely hard during this DVD, so I didn't want to do hardCORE straight away and wasn't too worried about not being able to fit it in later on.  There's only so much those muscles can take!

I asked David to take some photos while I was doing the DVD.  He only took a few but it's good to see what's going on.  My problem has always been that my spine is very tight in some areas and overly flexible in others so this is something I'd like to see improve.  The photos weren't as bad as I thought, although my heels are miles off the ground in Downwards Dog - got a long way to go!

Went to meet our friend later on and had a lot of fun...and a few beers.  The food was pretty healthy though - or, for my part it was.  David and him had two puddings each!

I'm afraid there was no meditation today.  We didn't get back until after midnight so I had a few cashew nuts and went to bed!

I will get around the posting the photos, I'm sure.  I'm afraid they're not very inspirational as they're obviously 'before' shots - of course I'm hoping to have some amazing 'after' shots where I'm super flexible and strong!

Looking forward to a day off the power yoga tomorrow and just some deep stretches instead with 'Yin'...

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