Sunday 14 July 2013

Day 18 - Run and Yin!

Today was extremely hot again.  I had a lie-in (thought I deserved one :)) and watched the Moto GP.  Those guys are amazing - such great sportsmanship.

Went for a short run - maybe 25 minutes - then had a cold bath to help me cool down before doing 'Yin'.  It's so hot today!  But I love it - so nice to see the sun and be warm after having such a cold, dark, looonng winter.

By the way, I don't have any idea of how long or how far I run.  I used to watch the clock and measure out the mileage like someone possessed, but since running barefoot, I've tried to just enjoy running for running's sake.  I have a general idea of time, but nothing more, and it's nice. 

I still haven't quite figured out how to enjoy 'Yin', but I'm modifying the poses so that they work as well as possible for me.  I wonder how long it'll be before I'm able to even think about getting my nose even close to my knees in seated forward bend, or chest on the floor in wide angle pose.  I can't believe I used to be able to do the box splits when I was younger!  It felt good to do the DVD post run when I was still warm though.  And the calf niggle I had at the end of the run had disappeared by the end of the DVD.

I'm not doing brilliantly with the nutrition side of things yet.  To be fair, there wasn't a great deal of improvement to make as I eat a lot of fruit and veg anyway and very little meat.  Like a lot of runners I know, I like my beer and although I've cut down, I've yet to cut it out and I'm not sure I want to.  Or, at least, I don't want to feel I have to and then feel overwhelmed with guilt if I succumb.  That's not what this journey is about for me.  I've always been quite an 'all or nothing' person - it's in my genes.  I know this because my mum has told me that when I was just a baby, I would feed constantly for 24 hours straight (and then, more often than not, throw up) and then sleep for 24 hours and not feed at all.  So, this journey is effectively about me changing the habit of a lifetime AND my DNA!  No easy task.  So, I'm gradually cutting down on the naughty foods and increasing the good stuff, bit by bit.  That way, I think I'll be able (eventually) to maintain some kind of moderation.

'Detox' is on the cards tomorrow.  My morning client has switched to later in the day, so I'll do it first thing when David's out with his first client.  Better get a good night's sleep!

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