Wednesday 17 July 2013

Day 21 - A bit of a moan

Ok.  I'm afraid I still don't like Mountain Pose.  Everyone on the DVD looks really zoned out but with each movement, my shoulders just feel more awkward.  If you've ever suffered with repeated dislocations, you'll know what I mean - there are certain positions where your shoulders feel vulnerable which makes it very difficult to relax.  My feet also get sore from standing still...

Not quite finished with my moan :).  Yoga, whichever version you do, requires you to do a lot of supporting with your arms, in plank and chaturanga (lowering down to the floor from plank) and I think my arms are a bit overwhelmed with it all.  So, when I went swimming today, I felt my neck and shoulder on my right side go into spasm and it's pretty uncomfortable.  I need to get back to swimming twice a week if possible so I maintain my mobility.

None of this will stop me keeping going.  It just highlights the areas I need to work on.  It also shows me that maybe I should be putting my knees down for modified push ups more, rather than trying to do the full ones each time. 

I've been a bit crap with proper sleep patterns and food...and beer.  So, I'll be up early to do Cross Train before my first client (before 5am then - ouch!) having had a super-healthy meal of olives, lentils, cous cous and goats cheese.  And two pints of WATER.

As Travis says, each time you come to your mat, you're reinforcing why you're doing this.  The consistency is the key and it's what gets me back on track pretty quickly if I veer off in other areas such as nutrition and stress levels.

My plan is to float through tomorrow on a breath of serenity...ha ha, we shall see!

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