Friday 19 July 2013

Day 23 - Some thoughts on pain

Why is it easier to get up before 6am rather than between 6am and 7am?  I reckon my sleep cycle means that I'm in a deeper sleep after 6am because I always find it harder to wake up.

So, this morning was a little difficult but I only entertained a fleeting thought of staying in bed rather than getting on the mat.  I had 'Cardio' today and whilst it was fine, I didn't feel that I got in the zone - I just kind of went through the motions.  However, as I began the rest of my day and traveled to my first client, I realized that I was feeling the effects then, rather than when doing the workout.  It was a kind of delayed reaction.  So I was in the zone whilst driving - most of the time below the speed limit because I was so chilled.  It was very pleasant!

I still have a dodgy spasm going on in my neck, with some referred pain in my elbow which is quite sharp and sudden and takes me by surprise.  I was uber careful with my form on the mat today though and modified where needed; there's no pain really whilst doing the DVD, it's just every now and then during the day.

Pain is a very funny thing.  And a very personal thing too.  I've worked with clients in chronic pain, where it's become part of who they are - part of their identity.  It becomes increasingly difficult to separate the mental from the physical and a there's research that suggests that there can be some 'trickery' going on in the brain that can convince you of physical damage when, in fact, there is none.  On a more regular basis, I find that clients with niggling pains are often holding some emotional tension, or have something in the back of their mind that's bothering them, and it manifests as a physical irritation.  I encourage anyone in pain to investigate the bigger (but hidden) picture, because there may be some answers there.  For me, there is usually some physical release that coincides with an emotional one and I often feel niggles when I either haven't laughed or cried for a while.  So, let it all out - that's what I say!

Early client tomorrow, followed by a run and then 'Strength'.  Meeting a friend in the afternoon and I am afraid there will be beers involved but I will try and be sensible.  Haven't seen him in a while - wow, since Christmas I think - so we'll see.

Lots of new people joining the UY group on facebook and having positive experiences already.  The more experienced ones further into the programme continue to post amazing shots - bendy and serene!  It's like a little on-going party that you can just drop into and have a chat when you want -  love it!

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