Sunday 21 July 2013

Day 25 - Learning patience

I got up late and had breakfast (my usual combo of banana, apples, cashew nuts, almonds and natural yoghurt), taking my time and watching an old 'Miss Marple'.  So quaint and old-fashioned.

I went for a walk in the sunshine with David a bit later.  I cannot get enough of this sunshine - it is just beautiful.  After the walk, I rolled out my mat ready for 'Yin'.  Now, I think there's the tiniest improvement with this one each time a do it.  So tiny, it's almost imperceptible.  In fact, maybe it's in my imagination!  The quad stretch does feel better though, I'm sure - I'm fighting it less.

I do feel a sense of calm flooding over me as I move through this DVD.  I can't get deep into the poses at all but I know that eventually I will.  I am so disappointed with myself for being so cardio obsessed for so many years though, especially as I knew deep down that being more flexible would help my overall fitness - and longevity.  It's quite easy to improve cardio performance and easy for me to push the limit, so this is what I've done time and again.  With flexibility though, it's all about patience - really nothing more than that.  Travis talks about this in the DVD - doing nothing.  It's as tough as 'Strength' in a way.  My mind is saying, "well, this isn't going well.  There must be something you can do right now to get deeper into this stretch".  But, there isn't.  You just have to let go and wait. Then wait some more.

Once that initial frustration is over though, the session becomes very relaxing.  I felt so calm by the end of it.  I am so far away from having my nose on my knees or laying down for the quad stretch (I currently sit up AND use a block!) but I'm also fizzing with anticipation because it will be such an achievement when I can do these things.  And the more I work and the longer it takes, the greater the satisfaction will be when I get there. 

Off outside now to meditate in the sun :).

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