Thursday 19 September 2013

Day 85 - Why is it camel's pose?!

On mat for Vitality at 8am and felt pretty good.  My hip flexors and chest are tight and stop me from getting anywhere near camels pose.  Doing one arm at a time though really gives my hip flexors a good stretch - feels good.

I went to see my oldest client after that - 85 years old!  Love working with elderly people and I often get quite outraged at how they are treated in the UK.  So many people don't seem to realize that they'll be old one day - which I can't fathom at all.  It's pretty simple!  Old people are not a different species - they are just old!  Other cultures are the opposite where the elderly are held in high regard.  Much better set up I think. 

Anyway, when I got back, I did a couple of work bits and then went for a run.  When it's raining, your feet get soft and generally more sensitive so it was pretty tough going on the rough surfaces round here.  As far as running in the rain goes though, I love it.  Very refreshing!  I did hardCORE when I got back, so that's me done apart from meditation which I will do right after this.

I think we'll swim in the morning as my usual Friday morning client is away.  I'll do Mountain Pose first, which I now think is ok.  I'll do Pranayama and meditation in the evening although my breathing might be a problem as I'm usually bunged up after swimming.  Oh, and I have a client in the evening too so...we'll see.  I'll fit it in somewhere.

Right, meditation time after a quick catch up with the facebook group :).

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