Wednesday 25 September 2013

Day 90 - Didn't want Yin but needed it!

I was out and about for much of today so didn't get to Yin until around 6pm.  I've never done it this late before and it felt good, especially as the light faded as I was doing the class and by the end, it was dark with just the glow from the TV.  Perfect timing!

I hadn't been looking forward to Yin.  When I overdo (or get close to overdoing) the training, I get quite fidgety and feel like I want to do more cardio.  Well, hello, that means that Yin is exactly what I need.  Sure enough, it chilled me out and felt pretty good.  The only one I don't like is the deep hip flexor/hip stretch.  Travis says something like, "Just sink down onto your elbows", but for me, there's no blissful sinking.  Rather an awkward sort of side-bending and then trying to hold the pose propped on one elbow.  It's more like the Strength DVD at that point. 

I didn't feel like doing hardCORE today.  I felt quite rebellious actually - I didn't do it because I didn't want to, so there!

I will try and do it tomorrow because I won't get to it on Thursday.  Thursday will start at 5am (with Vitality) and finish at 10pm.  My client has cancelled tomorrow, so I won't have to be up at 5am then as well.  Planning a run as well as Cardio and then clients later.  Loads of pc work to do as well - boooo.

Can't believe I'm on day 90.  It feels weird.  I haven't achieved as much as I thought I would but have certainly learned a lot and the massive thing I'm grateful for is the beginnings of a changed outlook on life.  The detachment message that Travis puts across is golden.  Sometimes - most of the time - things don't matter as much as you think they do.  I'm beginning to develop a less worried approach, slowly but surely.  Funnily enough, I felt this the most in the very first phase and have lost it slightly.  Meditation, meditation, meditation...

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