Friday 20 September 2013

Day 86 - Realigned :)

I actually do feel that Mountain Pose realigns my chakras!  It took me nearly the whole 108 days to get to grips with this one, but it's finally starting to work for me.

I did it first thing before heading to the pool.  It was quieter than Monday so I was able to do my mile pretty much non-stop and at a good pace.  What a workout!

I had a whole list of things to get through and was on a bit of a role so got lots done when I got back.  Went out briefly to get food for this evening (avocado and salad) and then my client wanted to re-schedule for tomorrow morning, so as well as doing Pranayama and meditation, I did #1 from Travis' Short and Sweet first.  I'd forgotten how much I enjoy it - and how quickly it goes!  It flew by, whereas the Pranayama and meditation feels like it goes on forever, even though they're pretty much the same length.  At least I get a good meditation session when I use the DVD for guidance.  I wasn't bunged up from the swimming either so the breathing was fine.

Not sure how things will play out tomorrow.  I have my client and also need to do Cross Train and hardCORE.  I fancy a run too but my foot is still niggling a bit from the challenging run on Sunday.  We'll see. 

Feeling quite chilled now so going to do some reading while David is training his martial arts group. 


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