Thursday 1 August 2013

Day 36 - Reflections

So.  Today I completed my 36 Sun Salutations.  I wasn't really sure what to expect as the facebook group members have commented more on their 72 and 108 Sun Salutations.  In fact, it went by without any hitch, no particular feelings of accomplishment - just a 16 minute or so flow really!  A wasp began to buzz very loudly above my head for the last few and I got mixed up too, thinking I was doing 34 SS's and then got confused when they all just kept going on the DVD.  I wouldn't say it was a meditative experience but I gave myself a bit of a high five as I got ready to go out.

36 days on the programme have passed so quickly.  For me, it's not really been about the physical benefits - at least not on their own.  The physical benefits, I think, have come about through a gradual changing of my mental state as regards health and well-being.  The yoga has been my constant through the last 36 days, so I don't feel that inner pressure to do other training.  I have done it of course, but with a 'take it or leave it' mentality rather than 'this is what I must do' approach.  I'd already begun this shift through the barefoot running but had lost my way a bit I think.  Yoga has made me more grounded, yet in a way, more spiritual.

I have had moments of frustration.  This past few days, when the vegan thing was going on and all the yoga was gentle, I really wanted to get on and do some of the power stuff.  However - and this is where a lot of exercisers make mistakes - your body needs down time from hard core exercise every now and again.  And not just once every few years but much more regularly than that.

I know this is true because it's my job but rarely do I listen to my own advice.  Until now, that is.  And by doing less, I'm achieving more.  Today, for example, I did my Sun Salutations early in the morning and then saw two clients.  I had planned to go for a run later but it was so hot, I opted for a strength/endurance DVD instead ('Athletica', for those who are into their fitness DVDs!).  In the past, this has been a real challenge and in today's heat, I thought I'd struggle.  But, in fact, I sailed through.  I had bags of energy and kept my breathing controlled.  Yes, it was still challenging, but not to the extent that I overdid things.

Quality over quantity.  Develop your mind as much as your body.  This is what I'm beginning to follow instead of preaching it to my clients but only half-heartedly doing it myself!

I'd like to get to grips with my meditation a bit more.  I also heard from the company from whom I ordered mala beads ages ago and I should be receiving them tomorrow.  A little pressie for my 36 days!  Can't wait to see what the next phase brings.  Balance should be amusing tomorrow - I am prepared to fall over with humour and grace!

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