Wednesday 7 August 2013

Day 41 - A day of exercise!

Up fairly early for 'Detox'.  Really enjoy this one - it has some great flows and does seem to 'wring out' my body as Travis suggests. 

I also did a run in the sun later on and hardCORE so it was a big exercise day today, especially as I did a bit of running and walking with clients too.

My run, as per last time, felt extremely fluid.  I'm realizing just how much I've let myself tighten up.  I should know better!  Understanding the correct mechanics of running is only half of the equation - your body physically needs to be able to do it too!  That's why, if I can, I give my running clients a movement programme too as well as specific running drills, so that they can release where necessary as well as improving technique.  I'm now doing the same for myself with UY!

I'm afraid I didn't get around to meditation - epic fail on that so far in this second phase.  I had half an hour to myself this evening whilst David was training his MMA group and I wanted to read my book!  However, I haven't achieved that same level of peace recently as I did when I first started and was more vigilant with the meditation, so it's time to make the effort.

I forgot to say - I received my 'custom made' mala bead bracelet on Saturday but they got the bead combination wrong and I can't get any response about sending it back!  I spent such a long time researching the beads and their meanings that I don't want to just say, "oh well, this one will do".  So, more emails to the company - I am trying to remain polite and yogi-fied about it!

Roller coaster ride of 'Cardio' tomorrow :).

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