Thursday 15 August 2013

Day 50 - A thoughtful post!

When people come to me with their running woes, hoping that by removing their shoes and running barefoot they will miraculously cure all their injuries, I let them down gently and tell them that, no, running barefoot is no miracle.  It's not a quick fix, it's not something you can buy into and instantly become a faster, more fluid runner.

However, what I do tell them is that it's a catalyst.  It's a change in approach which initiates a change in attitude and, if you're patient enough and listen to your body and the world around you, then barefoot running will become something much bigger than just the act of removing your shoes.

This is exactly how I feel about yoga.  Buying the UY DVDs was the catalyst.  I could have bought them and then left them in a cupboard somewhere to gather dust. But, I'm disciplined in allowing them to guide me and I'm reaping the benefits no end.

I think I've said this before: if it was that easy, i.e. to just buy the DVDs and wave them like a magic wand, transforming me instantly into a supple, strong, streamlined, peaceful guru woman, what would actually be the point?  It's the doing of it, the perseverance, the sometimes struggling that is moulding my new sense of self.

Does that sound too deep?  Can you tell I've just completed Mountain Pose and Pranyamama Meditation?!  Well, I have and I must say the MP went the best it has yet.  I've noticed some recent developments in my movement and flexibility and the reason is this: I'm becoming more aware of my daily responses to stress.  Each day I realize a little bit more quickly that I've become tense and so relax and breathe.  I'm hoping that it will eventually be something I don't have to think about although, as with running, you don't just figure it out and then stop.  You still keep on practising...forever.  Why would you want to stop?

Speaking of running, I had a lovely run today.  Temperature not too hot but warm enough to do some movement therapy stuff that we're working on on the grass before we headed home.  Balance tomorrow - let's see if I can remain calm through that!

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