Monday 26 August 2013

Day 61 - Met two gurus

Another lie-in - I'm so lazy!  We headed to Clapham Common for a run in the sun around 11am.  It was pretty hot but the ground underfoot was lovely and soft from the rain we've had. 

We always finish our Clapham runs with our feet in the duck pond.  Whilst we were there cooling off, a man came up and asked us if we were barefoot runners, to which we replied, "yes".  He then said, "you've written a book haven't you?  I've seen it in a book shop here".  How cool!  We are famous - sort of!

Anyway, turns out this guy teaches meditation so I was asking him a few questions.  His guru friend, a Chinese Buddhist, came over to chat too and we had this mini, spontaneous group discussion about awareness, balance, perception and all manner of other mind-boggling topics.  The Chinese guy (John - he did tell us his Chinese name but it was pretty complicated) decided to read David's energy.  He held his wrist as though he was taking David's pulse and gazed off thoughtfully into the distance.  He then did the same with David's other arm.  He said that David has a strong heart but a weak stomach, which is bang on.  He also said that he is "closed" but in a good way.  Apparently, people who are too open invite energy in which is fine if it's good energy but very negative if it's bad energy.  He didn't offer to read my energy which I'm quite happy about - not sure I want to know!

We've been having discussions in the facebook group about meditation and what position you should be in.  Colin (the meditation teacher) said that the main aim is to have your back straight, so sitting on the floor is best but you can sit in a chair if necessary.  He also recommends sitting on a meditation pillow so that you're sitting higher than your legs which is just more comfortable.

I told them about UY.  John reckons it's no good learning from a DVD.  He said, "you need to learn from a master.  With DVDs you won't find the secret".  He was very spiritual and just exuded this amazing quality.  I understand what he means and I expect the next stage of my journey will be to find someone to teach me further.  I do think he would have to admit that the UY programme is very good if he were to see it though.  The results in the facebook group speak volumes.

Off to chill out :).

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